When you have the ability to self-regulate your emotions and thoughts, when you can press pause on disruptive impulses and stories in your mind and think before you react, this is such a gift you give to yourself. It doesn’t happen overnight. It can take years of hard work to retrain your brain. But you […]
Change Your Thoughts.
The brain has the power to change your thoughts through neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity is defined as “the potential that the brain has to reorganize by creating new neural pathways to adapt, as it needs. Think of the neurological changes being made in the brain as the brain’s way of tuning itself to meet your needs.” Many […]
Marriage Moment.
Respect in marriage is one the most important ways to communicate love and care to your partner. It is an important predictor of marital health, builds intimacy, and evidence shows that where there is respect there is greater marital satisfaction overall. I tend to see a greater sense of “we-ness” among spouses that feel valued […]
Emotional Constipation.
Often, we hold back our emotions. It makes sense if we were brought up to think it was crucial to hide our anger or sadness or that having negative feelings was wrong. These emotions can be unpopular and often make those around us uncomfortable if they can’t “fix it.” We may even hide positive feelings […]
Eye Contact.
According to Psychologist Susan O’Grady, “The human face is associated with our identity; we are recognized more through our eyes than through any other facial feature.” The APA handbook of nonverbal communication even says that the eyes offer such rich social information that adults and infants alike show a natural attraction to the entire face. […]
Are you controlled by fear?
Many of us are controlled by fear every day without realizing it. After all, just scroll through your news feed and you will find articles, stories, and quotes, many of which are rooted in fear. Just this daily onslaught of news and social media messages is enough to make anyone think powerfully negative thoughts about […]
5 Ways You Can Rise Above Social Anxiety
If you’ve ever struggled as you’re heading out the door to that work party, panicked about going to the neighborhood BBQ, or wished you could simply celebrate your birthday alone….well…you’re not alone. Social Anxiety Disorder (social phobia or SAD) is the third largest mental health problem in the world today and affects up to 13% […]
7 Ways to Reduce Anxiety Right Now
Anxiety has many faces. It can effect us emotionally, physically, mentally, sexually and even spiritually. It shows up in thoughts and behaviors, e.g. phobias, obsessions, and compulsions. It can leave us feeling helpless with no way out. It has physical symptoms and can interfere with our daily lives depending on the severity of it. A […]
Your Marriage in the New Year.
Happy New Year! This morning, Marriage365 shared: “Working on your marriage a little bit each day pays big dividends. The strongest couples, the happiest couples work on their marriage 365 days a year.” As you consider the New Year, what is one area of your marriage or relationship that you’d like to work on in 2019? A […]
7 Things You Never Knew About a Good Apology
“I’m sorry.” Those two words might be two of the most powerful words in the English language. Saying “I’m sorry” is hard. When we’ve done harm to a relationship, whether it be something minor or something serious, we have to hold within ourselves a decent amount of self-worth in order to accept responsibility for our […]