The older I get the more I realize… …that our culture has conditioned us to hyper-focus on striving and achieving… …and underneath striving is avoidance…an avoidance of the pain of believing you’re not enough and won’t be ok if you don’t achieve more. This striving way of life is always accompanied by background anxiety…feeding off […]
Message from a therapist…
Message from a therapist… Psychotherapy (in Greek) literally means to research, to heal and to listen to the soul/spirit. I’m incredibly grateful for the gift of being a psychotherapist…being invited in to listen and join with my clients towards the healing of their soul. #messagefromatherapist #drrscottgornto
EMOTIONAL MATURITY looks like… Living in reality. Letting go of your expectations and attachments to how your day to day circumstances are “supposed” to go or how you envisioned it to go. Choosing to let the day go where it takes you and allowing yourself to adjust to the discomfort and internal anxiety that it […]
Healthy vs Unhealthy…
Not being able to tolerate someone having a different opinion than yours…so you emotionally cut them off or give up yourself and lose yourself in the relationship… …that’s the unhealthy part of you. Being able to tolerate someone having a different opinion…holding on to yourself while staying connected to the other at the same time. […]
On Relationships
On Relationships: The chemistry, passion and connection you feel at the beginning of your relationship isn’t true, emotional intimacy. It’s simply the initial stage of connection. Emotional intimacy takes time to develop. Relationships have to move through many milestone markers to make it to the next stage. Some relationships make it through said markers and […]
Message from a therapist
On Relationships
On Relationships: Healthy, romantic relationships are only sustainable if you communicate openly, honestly and frequently. Relationships die when you stay in your head, hold back your truth and feelings, avoid conflict, avoid difficult conversations and don’t apologize. #onrelationships #drrscottgornto
(the highest form of) EMOTIONAL MATURITY looks like
(the highest form of) EMOTIONAL MATURITY looks like… …taking full, complete, 100% personal responsibility for how you react or respond, along with how you feel and think… …rather than saying, “you caused me or made me” or trying to justify behavior “I did that because you did…”, emotional mature individuals are fully conscious of their […]