90 Day Challenge – Live in facts, not fiction Excerpt from The Stories We Tell Ourselves – Book Release October 21, 2014
Fears Are Stories We Tell Ourselves.
90 Day Challenge: “Fears are stories we tell ourselves.” If you’re human – you have felt fear. The fear of being alone, the fear of losing your job, the fear of failure, the fear of sickness, the fear of uncertainty, the fear of not being good enough. Our fears are stories we tell ourselves – […]
Choose Presence.
90 Day Challenge – Day 7 – We tell ourselves stories to make sense out of the world around us. These inner dramas can be more appealing and compelling than the real world, and we can lose the capability to genuinely listen to and engage the actual people in our lives. The solution is to cultivate […]
90 Day Challenge – Day 2.
90 Day Challenge, Day 2: A question for you…Over the next few months I will be looking at ways to help you make the choice to live in facts, not fiction. To identify what is true and real. The Stories We Tell Ourselves – Book Release October 21, 2014
90 Day Challenge.
Join the 90-day challenge to “Choose To Stop Telling Yourself Stories.” We will share a message a day to help you make this choice – leading up to the release of The Stories We Tell Ourselves. Follow me: Facebook.com/rscottgornto or on Twitter @Gornto to begin.
Rough week?
Has it been a rough week? Try to take a deep breath, think energizing thoughts, and remember to live in the facts about what is real. Discover what it means to be present, even when the cacophony of life threatens to overtake you.
Reflection is about personal awareness. Try to take a moment to look at things objectively, review unexamined beliefs and thoughts, and reevaluate what is fact vs fiction in your mind.
Passionate Listening
A great thing to remember about love and partnerships. Author Brene Brown also calls it “passionate listening.” We work to focus on what the other person is really saying to us, validating their words, and expressing empathy. We don’t just formulate our own response or reaction while the other person is talking. We can change […]
The Stories We Tell Ourselves.
We often create inner dramas to make sense of the world around us. When we don’t understand another person’s thoughts or motives, we construct narratives to explain their actions, and they become characters in movies we direct and play in our own minds. My new book, “The Stories We Tell Ourselves,” will be a tool […]
Looking Within.
We have a choice every day, perhaps every moment, to care about the process our souls must go through – the journey that gets us from where we are to where we are going. Often the only way through pain is look within, continue bravely and openly, and discover that self-awareness can bring freedom and […]