Select a Track or Intensive to learn more and get started.
Traditional 1 hour counseling sessions.
- Track 1: Couples Preventative Maintenance Track
- Track 2: Marriage/Relationship Repair
- Track 3: Mixed-Agenda Couples
- Track 4: Divorce Counseling
Couples Intensive
1-2 day intensive couples counseling sessions or 10 hours of structured therapy
- Auxano Marriage/Couples Intensive
- Affair/Infidelity Repair Intensive
- Sexual and Relationship Recovery Intensive
Concierge Counseling
Daily or weekly priority access to Dr. Scott. Personalized, exclusive, less structured therapy.
Dr. Gornto’s Approach to Marriage/Couples Therapy
Dr. R. Scott Gornto has a growing reputation with couples for getting to the bottom line and identifying their cycles quickly and precisely. Clients frequently leave sessions with Dr. Gornto saying, “We got more out of that session than….”
Additionally, Dr. Gornto is known for helping the most challenging couples. Frequently, therapists, psychiatrists, attorneys, pastors and physicians refer couples with the greatest troubles to Dr. Gornto, because they know he can make a significant difference in their progress.
What makes Dr. Gornto’s clinical work unique:
- His ability to connect and read people
- He spots the central issue(s) quickly with precision and clarity.
- He assists client to transform unhealthy behavior and produces long-term change.
Dr. Gornto’s innovative Auxano Approach© emphasizes two fundamental concepts: Connection and Growth. These two concepts are the catalyst for long-term change, giving life to the best version of you in your committed relationship. His approach assist you through conflict, empowering you to stop reacting, and, ultimately, give life to the best version of you. The result is a deeper friendship, partnership, and intimacy in marriage – leading to calmer dialogue, increased fulfillment, relational satisfaction and a passionate and meaningful sex life.
Based on Dr. Gornto’s Auxano Approach© to Relationships:
- Break Emotional Gridlock and Unhealthy Cycles
- Communication/Conflict Resolution
- Discernment Counseling
- Divorce Counseling
- Emotional Reactivity/Conflict Resolution
- Establish a Relationship Identity and Shared, Future Vision for the Relationship
- Family of Origin Work
- Infidelity/Betrayal Repair
- Intimacy (Emotional, Physical Non-Sexual and Sexuality)
- Parenting & Blended Family
- Relational Therapy
- Sexual Addiction/Recovery Couples Therapy
- Sex Therapy (Couples, Abuse/Trauma, Physical and Emotional Problems with Sex)
Track 1: Couples Preventative Maintenance Track
(50, 75, 100 min. session – 2-4x a month)
For couples who both are committed to the marriage/relationship and are open to the process of change and healing. This is NOT for couples who have recently experienced a life changing marital/relationship event such as infidelity/betrayal, emotional divorce or separation.
Track 2: Marriage/Relationship Repair
(50, 75, 100 min. session 1-2x a week)
For couples who both are committed to the marriage/relationship and are open to the process of change and healing. These couples may be experiencing struggles such as significant conflict, communication problems, family of origin issues, long-standing resentment, emotional reactivity, partnership problems, parenting/blended family issues or intimacy struggles. Some couples take advantage of this track who are dealing with significant issues such as infidelity/betrayal, emotional divorce, separation or discussing divorce.
Track 3: Mixed-Agenda Couples (Discernment Counseling)
(1-6 sessions, 50 min. each, including joint and individual sessions)
This track is for mixed-agenda couples where one partner is leaning out of the marriage, struggling with whether to stay in or get out of the marriage. The other partner is leaning in and ready to do whatever it takes to save the marriage. Research tells us that 30% of the time, couples come to therapy with one partner leaning out and one partner leaning in. Successful marriage counseling is not possible unless you have two partners who are leaning in to the marriage and are open to change. Discernment Counseling provides another option for couples who aren’t ready for marriage counseling, because one partner is leaning out. Discernment Counseling is a process that creates a holding environment or container for the couple to gain more clarity and confidence regarding the future of your marriage by achieving a deeper understanding of the negative patterns that got them to this point in the relationship. Additionally, with the guidance of an unbiased third party, the couple works to see if the marriage is worth saving. Lastly, this path is for couples who want to see if there is a possibility to can create a third option, meaning they want to see if they can create a new relationship. They don’t want to get divorced, but they can’t continue in the marriage as it is currently.
Track 4: Divorce Counseling
(50 min. session 1x a week)
When couples come in for marriage therapy, Dr. Gornto works with the couple to exhaust every healthy option in order to avoid divorce. However, some couples choose to get divorced. As a result, Dr. Gornto provides counseling, guidance and support to couples and individuals who decide to divorce.
Divorce counseling offers the option to stay connected to your care and love for one another while changing the parameters of your relationship.
Divorce counseling options include:
- *Conscious uncoupling
- *A Structured Trial Therapeutic Separation or Healing Separation
- Negotiating the early stages of a divorce
- Healthy communication and co-parenting through the process of divorce
Whether you’ve been dating for a year, or married for twenty years, the ending of a romantic intimate partnership is an exceptionally painful situation to face. It is common to feel overwhelmed with feelings of grief, despair, fear, anger, sorrow and guilt. It is natural to mourn the loss of such an important person in your life. You must grieve not only the person you have loved, but also let go of the dreams and hopes you held together for your relationship. Separation does not have to be rife with hatred, resentment and spite. By mindfully and consciously uncoupling, you can part in a healthy and loving manner. Psychotherapy and Counseling can help you achieve this.
*Consciously uncoupling refers to the act of ending a marriage or relationship, but in a way that is seen as a positive step by both partners. The couple chooses to continue to remain friends, co-parent if they have children, and for some couples, they still have significant love for each other.
* A Structured Trial Therapeutic Separation or Healing Separation is a step to separate for a period of time to reduce reactivity, tension and/or long-standing resentment. These are considered working separations, where you dedicate yourself individually to your own personal growth without the conflict of the relationship. The goal is to strengthen both partners individually to see if there is a possibility to build new, healthier relationship.
Auxano Marriage/Couples Intensive
*Designed for Couples in Crisis, Seeking Marriage/Relationship Repair or Couples Who Want Faster Results
1 day intensive (4 consecutive hours) or 2 day intensive (8 hours total over two days)
This intensive is for couples who are both committed to the marriage/relationship and are open to the process of change and healing. Additionally, this is for couples who are experiencing long-standing problems with communication/conflict, resentment, family of origin issues, emotional reactivity or intimacy/sexual struggles. The half-day, one-day or two-day intensive is for couples who are also dealing with multiple significant problems, whose level of hopelessness is severe and the marriage is headed toward divorce without treatment. *Some couples take advantage of this track who want to expedite the process of growth and change.
Benefits of Intensive:
- Remove distractions of home and work to focus solely on your marriage
- Break your emotional gridlock and unhealthy cycles with back-to-back sessions
- Receive powerful tools to help you continue your work back home
- Create goals for the relationship
- Work together to establish a relationship identity
- Create a shared, future vision/picture of the relationship (i.e. what kind of relationship are we trying to create)
- Get more accomplished
- Get faster results
Affair/Infidelity Repair Intensive
The Affair/Infidelity Repair Intensive is a 8 session intensive that creates stabilization for your relationship after an emotional and/or sexual affair.
Benefits include:
- Provides a structure, stabilization and solutions in the crisis
- Learn critical and healthy do’s and don’ts in order to repair your relationship
- Gain a clear path of where you are and what work needs to be accomplished
- Understanding the why question behind the affair
- Create a shared, future vision/picture of what you want the relationship to look like, and work together toward said vision
- Establish new, shared boundaries for the relationship
- Work toward a path of healing, restoration, and recovery from the affair
- Instil hope back into the marriage
Includes: 8 hours of therapy, 3 books, workbook, articles, worksheets and take home assignments and a written structured step-by-step plan toward healing and repair of the marriage (Additional consulting available upon request)
“Very often we don’t go elsewhere because we are looking for another person. We go elsewhere because we are looking for another self. It isn’t so much that we want to leave the person we are with as we want to leave the person we have become.”
Esther Perel
Sexual and Relationship Recovery Intensive
This intensive is focused on solutions for sexual addictions, emotional trauma, and dual diagnosis issues faced by men and women. Focusing on sexual addiction, pornography addiction, relationship/love addiction, and internet sex addiction.
Benefits include:
- Learn strategies to stop unwanted behavior and explore underlying issues causing addiction
- Free yourself of guilt and shame that drive unwanted behavior and find freedom from the addiction cycle
Includes: 8 hours of therapy written structured step-by-step plan recovery, 2 books, workbook, articles, worksheets and take home assignments (Additional consulting available upon request)
“Sexual addiction can be understood by comparing it to other types of addictions. Individuals addicted to alcohol or other drugs, for example, develop a relationship with their “chemical(s) of choice”, a relationship that takes precedence over any and all other aspects of their lives. Addicts find they need drugs merely to feel normal. In sexual addiction, a parallel situation exists. Sex–like food or drugs in other addictions–provides the “High” and addicts become dependent on this sexual high to feel normal. They substitute unhealthy relationships for healthy ones.”
Patrick Carnes
Concierge Counseling
What is Concierge Counseling?
Dr. Scott offers concierge counseling & therapy, which is a more intensive, personalized, exclusive, less structured form of personal development. This is similar to having a therapist on a retainer.
Concierge counseling includes:
- Daily or weekly priority access with Dr. Scott
- Combination of phone, email, virtual and in person sessions (at Dr. Scott’s office or at your business, school or home)
Concierges clients include:
- daily or weekly personal development coaching and accountability
- continuous care
- sober/recovery/addiction therapy
- life coaching/therapy
- Dr. Scott will collaborate with your other health care professions
Concierge Access with Dr. Scott
- 3, 6 or 10 hrs a month of daily or weekly priority access to Dr. Scott. This can be a combination of phone, email, virtual and in person sessions (at Dr. Scott’s office or at your business, school or home).
- Dr. Scott takes 3 Concierge Access at a time
- As a Consierge Access client, you will have 911 access to Dr. Scott 24/6.
- If Dr. Scott isn’t available when you contact him, he will get back to asap, usually within the hour and guaranteed by end of day.
- Fee is payable in advance, good for 30 days.
Intensive House Call or Full Day Intervention with Dr. Scott
- Dr. Scott makes “house calls which means that I travel to your location and meet with you individually or you and your spouse or family through a private full-day intensive.
- This is a transformational intervention focused on finding solutions, getting to the root of your problems and creating a breakthrough that will put your life, relationship/marriage or family on a new, healthier path.
- Dr Scott can meet at your home, at a hotel suite near your local airport or any mutually agreed upon site.
- House calls intensives lasts 8 hours.