September is National Suicide Awareness Month. Nearly 45,000 Americans die by suicide every year. Suicide is the 4th leading cause of death for people 18-65 and for every death by suicide, there are over 22 suicide attempts.
*You have what it takes to begin again*
Suicide can be prevented. And we can all learn the warning signs and signals and reach out to those who may need our support. Seek help if you or someone you know is experiencing any of the signs described below.
– Talking about feeling hopeless or having no purpose
– Increasing use of alcohol or drugs
– Acting anxious, agitated or reckless
– Withdrawing from family and friends or feeling isolated
– Talking about being a burden to others
– Sleeping too little or too much
– Showing rage or talking about seeking revenge
– Displaying extreme mood swings
– Talking about feeling trapped or being in unbearable pain
– Someone talking about wanting to die or kill oneself
Learn more at Save.org
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