There are times in marriage where things are very challenging. Even impossible. Maybe you’ve thought to yourself, “I’m done, I can’t live like this anymore”. Instead of taking the leaning out path, writing each other off, and starting over, humility can allow each person to face the hard truths about themselves and each other. It’s a difficult journey. One that requires forgiveness, grace, patience, honesty…and a humble heart.
I believe humility is a non-negotiable in successful and lasting marriages. When we are humble in our marriages, our time and our own needs often take a back seat to the needs of our spouses and families. What we invest our time in reveals what matters most to us. For example, humbling ourselves enough to set aside time to connect, even when we are hurt or angry.
In addition, conflict can be a messy part of marriage. As we face conflicts together with our partners, a necessary ingredient is humility. Learning to value our partner’s perspective, really listen to our partners by offering validation and empathy, even when we don’t agree with their point of view. Additionally, making amends and apologize when we have dropped the ball is a must.
Marriage requires humility as we care for our partners, strive to be better communicators, and become the best versions of ourselves. If we are willing to look at our own weaknesses, humbly seek to grow from our mistakes, and demonstrate a willingness to put forth the effort in our relationship, the result can be meaningful and fulfilling.
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