Life has a way of not going the way that we want. For example, someone we love doesn’t behave the way we want. You’re running late to a meeting so you become frustrated and impatient. Your spouse told you they don’t like the meal you worked on for an hour. You’re trying to get some […]
What happens with our unprocessed trauma?
For most human beings, life is far from perfect. For many of us, something traumatic has occurred in our lives at some point in time – whether it was in our childhood, our teenage years, or in adulthood. Those traumatic experiences or chapters in our lives generate real emotions and feelings. Unless we process these […]
Facing Our Painful Feelings.
It truly takes tremendous courage to face our own painful feelings, rather than avoiding through numbing or escaping. Many us of choose to avoid painful emotions by ignoring, dismissing or escape them with a veil of “positivity.” Even more of us avoid painful feelings by numbing/escaping with drugs, alcohol, or self-harm. Whether it is a […]
Letting Go of What You Can’t Change.
Author Jonathan Morris once wrote, “Letting go of things that really do need fixing can feel like injustice, irresponsibility, or indifference on our part.” I would imagine some of you can relate. It’s natural to want to do something about things that feel out of our control. When we are faced with situations in life […]
Healing our Parent Wounds
It is extremely important to observe, become aware, and understand how our parents impacted our brain during the developmental years. It is also important to feel our feelings related to what we needed and didn’t get emotionally from our parents. It is equally important to get to a point where we stop blaming our parents […]
After the Infatuation Wears Off
When the infatuation stage of a relationship wears off, that is when real intimacy can begin. Falling in love is a beautiful and important part of the experience but the “honeymoon phase” of a relationship is very euphoric and those intense feelings can cloud how we view our partners. Once we get through this initial […]
Raising Emotionally Intelligent Kids.
As parents, we, of course, want the very best for our children. Raising emotionally intelligent kids will help them to become strong adults who will lead happy lives and have healthy relationships. Research by relationship expert Dr. John Gottman shows that emotional awareness and the ability to manage feelings will determine how successful and happy […]
Parent Alienation.
In families where there is a divorce and one partner alienates the children from the other partner, this is called “parent alienation syndrome.” It is a very sad situation and happens all the time in our culture. The partner will treat the children like the surrogate spouse, talk negatively about the former partner and put […]
Worthy of Love.
Every human being, regardless of race, gender, age, or class is worthy of love. You deserve to feel valued and respected. You deserve to be treated well by others. You deserve to be happy. You deserve to have your needs met. You are worth investing time and energy into. You are capable of great things. […]
Suicide Awareness Month.
September is National Suicide Awareness Month. Nearly 45,000 Americans die by suicide every year. Suicide is the 4th leading cause of death for people 18-65 and for every death by suicide, there are over 22 suicide attempts. *You have what it takes to begin again* Suicide can be prevented. And we can all learn the […]